
Saint Pietro

Recomendado por 27 personas locales,

Consejos de personas locales

February 15, 2018
Stupenda chiesa medievale
February 22, 2018
A 1000 year old church, nothing more to say.
February 16, 2019
One of the oldest and most picturesque Roman era churches in Sardegna. The fi rst stone was laid in 1062, on the left side of the Temo River, the original location of early Bosa. Today, the only trace of this early settlement of Bosa is the Church of San Pietro “extra muros” (outside the walls). The church is still surrounded by a fertile valley of fruit trees, olive groves and gardens.
One of the oldest and most picturesque Roman era churches in Sardegna. The fi rst stone was laid in 1062, on the left side of the Temo River, the original location of early Bosa. Today, the only trace of this early settlement of Bosa is the Church of San Pietro “extra muros” (outside the walls). The…
July 17, 2017
antica chiesa..percorso suggestivo
April 18, 2017
La chiesa più antica della città. Fuori dal centro abitato moderno. È un esempio notevole di architettura romanica in Sardegna. Ben conservata e raggiungibile con una piacevole passeggiata di 2 km circa o - più suggestivamente - con una escursione sul fiume con battello o prendendo delle canoe a noleggio.

Actividades únicas en los alrededores

Curso básico de tejeduría en Casa BruJana
  1. Clase de textiles
  2. 7 horas

Recomendado también por los habitantes locales

Via San Pietro
Bosa, Sardegna